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There is only ONE!

Welcome to the blog page of מאבריק בן זבולונ Mavrik ben Zevulun! Be prepared to be shocked and confronted with Truth which to many appears to be accusation of wrongdoing but is in effect speaking to your conscience! This is because Yeshua is the Truth(John 14:6) and it is He who is speaking to your hearts and minds. It is His Holy Spirit Who brings us correction and reproof by His Word(2Timothy 3:16) as Yeshua is also the Word(John 1:1). If then you are not open to His reproof and correction(Proverbs 15:10) then do not proceed onto this blog page as it will only contain that which you don't want to know, the Truth! 

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To all you Mammon worshipping christians!

It has been a while since I have posted anything but the time has come, my patience has worn thin, very thin! This world is filled with...

The ever popular John 3:16 corrected.

Textus Receptus Greek: John 3:16  ουτως γαρ ηγαπησεν ο θεος τον κοσμον ωστε τον υιον αυτου τον μονογενη εδωκεν ινα πας ο πιστευων εις...

Are you obeying the KJV lie or Yeshua, the Word, the Truth!

Textus Receptus Greek: Romans 10:17  αρα η πιστις εξ ακοης η δε ακοη δια ρηματος θεου  10:18  αλλα λεγω μη ουκ ηκουσαν μενουνγε εις πασαν...

Shemot(Exodus) chapter 20

Literal translation of the Hebrew: Shemot(Exodus) 20 1 and God spoke saying, all these things are to be spoken(said, told) 2 I AM YHVH...

Church or Ekklesia?!

Churches are full of these! What, you wonder? Wolves in sheep's clothes! Those Yeshua warned us all of, especially in these last days we...

Who checks the translators?

It should be you! The slight twist of a few words can alter any true meaning and the KJV Bible does this like no other, out of all...

Yeshayahu(Isaiah) 61

Literal translation from the Hebrew: Yeshayahu 61 1 The Spirit of My Lord YHVH is upon Me because YHVH has anointed Me and sent Me in the...

Yeshayahu(Isaiah) 41

Yeshayahu 41 1 Be silent before Me you peoples of the islands, they who draw near shall renew their strength those who together declare...

Revelation chapter 18

Literal translation from the Greek: Revelation 18 1 and with that I saw another messenger descend from the heaven having great authority...

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